Slow Light.

Slow Light is a lighting installation, with its debut in LLUM Barcelona 2023. After its succes at LLUM, it was also presented in Sonar+D Festival & Fête des Lumières in Lyon 2023.

Slow Light consists of 24 projections, representing the lifecycle of a star. Instead of connecting to the electricity of the net, it is the public who brings their energy by pointing the flashlights of their phones into a tube. Each tube has a different filter on it, creating 24 different effects. In this current time of energy crisis, Slow Light is an installation that aims to raise awareness about our energy consumption. Only using energy when actually being used, and made from reused an rented materials, Slow Light keeps its environmental impact low.

Team: Lucienne de Waal, Helena Langlois, Lia Ferreiro, Charlotte Páez, Hadil Dia, Alain Bladon. Tutors: Joan Recasens, Raffaella Perrone, Mery Glez

Read & see more about Slow Light:


Sonar+D 2023 (VIDEO)

Fête des Lumières